04 August 2008

My First Fanfic

Yep, here it is. My first ever fan fiction.


(Forever Knight Fiction based on Mariah Carey's song "Vanishing")

By Becky Burns

If I could recapture
All of the memories
And bring them to life
Surely I would

Hear the distant laughter
Wasn't it you and me
Surviving the night
You're fading out of my sight

He sat at the bar. Glass in hand. Half full. He stared at the contorted
reflection of himself in the glass and remembered her. How he

longed to have her with him. Her love of life, her love of knowledge,
her love of him. How he wanted those memories alive again.

He remembered the first time he saw her. Her olive skin, flowing

blond hair, and her innocent blue eyes looking down compassionately at
him as
he weakened to his knees with fatigue. The touch of her warm
skin to his as
she helped him rise. He recalled the following evening
looking up at the
stars with her. She spoke of how she wanted to learn
about the wonders of it
all. He wanted so much to teach her. He
presented her with a single rose to
show his love for her. As the music
in the bar lingered as closing hour
approached, so did his memories of
her warm smile.

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing

I was so enraptured
No sensibility
To open my eyes
I misunderstood

//Maybe it was his words.// He thought to himself as he poured
himself another glass. //Why did I listen? You would be with me had
I not
listened. I wouldn't be tormenting myself like this. At the time,
I thought
he was right. You're innocence was what drew me to you
and was
what made me want you all the more. I was so wrong to
have listened to him.
Damn him for it.//

Now you're fading faster
It's suddenly hard to see
You're taking the light
Letting the shadows inside

With each year that goes by, a small piece of her fades away into

the recesses of his memory. It became difficult to remember the
features of her face and how smooth her skin was as he
caressed her. The
light that she had brought into his life was beginning
to fade. The
darkness was returning as quickly as the morning sun
rose above the skyline.

You're vanishing
Drifting away
You're vanishing

Reaching out into the distance
Searching for spirits of the past
Just a trace of your existence To grasp

//I have searched across the ages.// He thought aloud as he paced

around the now empty bar. All the party animals had gone to slumber.
But he
remained. Alone. //I have found no one who has compared to
your innocence or
beauty. The only remainder of your life I have is
either the
memories I have of you or the man who kept us apart.//

And if somehow I could recapture
All of the memories
Lord knows I would
And now you're fading faster
Getting so hard to see
Taking the light
Letting the darkness inside

The glass he held tightly in his grasp suddenly was thrusted across

the room, smashing against the wall behind the bar. //Oh how I wish
I could
bring you back to me! We were meant to be together. I don't
want to forget
you. But that part of me that you captured so quickly
is dying to
the point of minuscule proportions. The light that you
brought into my world
is now growing dim and it will not be
rekindled again.

I love you, Fleur and I shall always keep a part of you with me.

No matter how minute the memory is, you will be a part or me forever.

You're vanishing` `
Drifting away` `
You're vanishing` Away

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