04 August 2008

What to do with this Blog

So, I've figured out what I'm going to use this blog for.

I love to write but singing is my thing. That's the one thing I know I'm always good at. But, something that a lot of people don't know is that I love to write.

I mostly write fanfiction. Most know what fanfiction is but for those that don't it is stories written using characters from a television show, book, song, or movie.

The first fanfiction was for the show Forever Knight. The first story I had posted was a one-shot called Vanishing, based on the song of the same name by Mariah Carey. It received fairly good reviews. This made me want to write more, so I did. The last story I did was the biggest thing I could possibly do. It took me a year since I was working and writing at the same time and I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to accuracy and grammer. I was rather happy at the outcome.

But I put it on hold for a time. I had to find another passion to write about.

It took quite a number of years but I did and I'm writing again.

Thank you, Doctor Who!

It may be slow in being posted but It will be.

Stay tuned!

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