17 January 2011

Okay...Now That everyone else has had their say...


All this talk about David Tennant engaged to Georgia Moffett and the fact that she is expecting has really gotten out of hand.

Firstly, I had already made my opinion known that the age difference kinda freaked me out a little (and still does).  But in all actuality, age is a state of mind and hell, if my auntie and uncle can do it (who have been married over 45 years and have a 13 year age difference between them - she's older), so can DT & GM and I wish them all the best.

Now that that's out of the way, let me express my opinion on some extremely HATEFUL remarks that have been making their way around Twitter.

I was browsing my timeline earlier today and noticed a RT from someone who quoted someone else who hoped that the soon to be Mrs. McDonald (someone clarify this for me, please),  should lose their child.

What. The. F**K?!

I'm sorry but in all the time I've been involved in any fandom, never, NEVER have I heard such vile and heinous comments. 

It's one thing to say you're going to continue to be a fan of someone despite the choices made in his or her personal life, but to say you're going to be a fan yet wish ill upon their significant other and that of their future family is downright hypocritical.

Unfollow me if you choose but I'm a NOH8 kinda girl.

I am a fan of David Tennant.  An proud #AbsoluteDTFangirl and I believe I always will be.  I hope one day to meet him, say hello, shake his hand, and say thank you and congratulations, and if I met Georgia Moffett, I'd do the same thing.