27 February 2010

My (short) birthday wish list

Yes I have a short list of birthday wishes. I don't normally do this but since twitter has been kind of an escape for me, I figured I might as well boost my creativity and my microscopic ego and come up with a wish list of what I would like for my birthday.

See, March 15th has never been a good day. Yeah it's the day that Ceasar was murdered by Brutus and all and thanks to that, I've always been told it's a bad day. Last year solidified it when I backed my car into a ditch in front a 1/2 dozen or so of my friends including my brother in law and after losing my dad last year, I want to make it fun without having to call AAA to haul my car's sorry ass out of a ditch.

Sooooo...here's my short list - and I do hope Murray Gold pays particular attention because one of these is for him.

1. a twitvid or YT vid filled with singing and pics - and ladies, you know what I mean by pics. A little fangirl love, please. ;)

2. the lyrics to The Songs of Captivity and Freedom and the Song of Freedom - This one I direct to @murraygold, you musical genius you. I hear the words but can't quite figure them out. As a singer, this frustrates me. I want to sing it right and KNOW what I'm singing. I know you're busy with putting music to Doctor Who and thus spending a lot of time in the studio but if you could fit it in...

3. a card signed by David Tennant. I was never able to get one from HeadwayEssex and want to smack myself for it. I'll have to dream about this one.

4. Chocolate! I'm a girl after all and most girls love chocolate.

See..not such a long list at all. One's a kind of easy, one's creatively challenging, one's stretching it, and the last my husband will get me...maybe...or he'll just get me a nice dinner..