09 April 2010

Freddy Krueger & David Tennant: A conversation.

This came to me in a late night Twitter exchange when @mcfangirl posted a pic of David Tennant in a somwhat familiar sweater. The 3 tweets that were originally sent have been edited for style and hopefully humor.


DISCLAIMER: I don't own either Freddy Krueger OR David Tennant (biting tongue/smacking self backto reality); THE E-MAIL ADDRESSES ARE NOT REAL.  Thank you.


It all started with a jumper sweater, oh hell - an item of clothing.

To: everyone@world.earth
From: F.Krueger@elm.st
1 sweater. Red and green in color with horizontal stripes. 
If found please return to F. Krueger, Elm Street, USA

To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Found jumper but I like it. Fits great and matches with my specs. Keeping it. thanks! 

D. Tennant, London, UK
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st 

Jumper? If you're referring to my sweater, keeping it is not a wise idea. I cherish my sweater. It defines my identity. 

Get your own. Please return. 
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Ah. Sorry. I'm Scottish and that's what we call them. And how can a jumper define your identity?
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

Odd.  A Jumper is a suicidal fool. How can a jumper be a sweater?

I'd still like it back. 

You don't know who I am?
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng
Attachment: see below

A Jumper can be many different things aside from a suicidal fool.  I've done much jumping in my time and I'm in no way suicidal.  And I've grown attached to this jumper.  Not itchy at all - well, not anymore, at least.  A bit tattered in spots but in fairly good condition.  I was even photographed in it.

And I have no clue who you are, as I am a very busy person. You're just some bloke who's missing a jumper.  How long have you been without your jumper?

Do you know who I am?
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st 

It's a SWEATER and this could not be it. It's been missing since 1990 but I know my sweater doesn't have snowflakes on the sleeve and the neckline is fixed.  Are you sure this is mine?

And what the hell is up with that comment? 

Oh, and I don't give a damn who you are.

To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Now, now.  No need for that type of language.

The snowflakes are just a little graphic at the bottom of the page. As for the neckline, I had it repaired as it was a bit tattered. I also had it laundered since it was quite itchy, which we found "property of F Krueger." Possessive much?

Did you know that the stripes are supposed to be black and not green?  When was the last time you laundered this thing? 20 years is a long time to have a jumper go missing and unwashed.  If you loved it that much you shouldn't have taken it off.

As for the comment, don't read too much into it.  It's not about what you're thinking. 
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st 


Who are you anyway to have MY sweater on in a magazine? A Model?


To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Sorry but I told you I liked this JUMPER. Me? A model? Oh no!  I'm not a model.  

I'm a actor.

To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st 

Even worse.  I. WANT. IT. BACK.

To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

What's so bad about being an actor?  What, may I ask do you do?


To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

Long story.
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Well, we've been going back & forth with this for a few hours.  I don't have to work (thus the comment in the picture) and it's been quite a bit since I've been online. Tell me.


To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st 

VERY LONG STORY. Apparently you must be not that good an actor if you quit.
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

OY! Now, I don't brag about being a good actor.  I've had my fair share of work as well as unemployment.  

As a matter of fact, I just finished 3 years playing the lead character on a show.


To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

Impressive.  Who did you play?
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

The Doctor.
 _____________________________________________________ To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

The Doctor?  Doctor who?
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

You're beginning to annoy me.  Perhaps I should tell you what I do then maybe you'll return it.
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

Perhaps if you were offering some type of reward, I may consider returning it. 

I'm a patron of quite a few charities in my country and they would be pleased with any contribution they could get.  No matter how small since right now, the American dollar isn't worth much here.
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

Your life.  

That should be sufficient.
To: F.Krueger@elm.st 
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

My life? 

You mean to tell me that you'd kill me if I don't return it?
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st



To: F.Krueger@elm.st
From : D.Tennant@london.eng

In your dreams!
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st
To: F.Krueger@elm.st
From : D.Tennant@london.eng


What are you a hitman or something?
To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st
Attachment: see below

You could say that:

To: D.Tennant@london.eng
From: F.Krueger@elm.st

Did you receive my last message?

To: F.Krueger@elm.st
From: Maildaemon@elm.st

Your last message has been returned due to the following reason:

D.Tennant@london.eng does not exist.


14 March 2010

People that share my birthday, Otherwise known as another useless bit of information you look up when you can't sleep.

Let's see
March 15...Also known as the Ides of March: The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other eight months. In Roman times, the Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was assassinated, in 44 BC, the story of which was famously dramatized in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar.

Observances: The internet group Anonymous used the phrase "beware the Ides of March" when referring to its then-upcoming March 15th, 2008 mass protest against the Church of Scientology. Also the Ides of March are celebrated every year by the Rome Hash House Harriers with a toga run in the streets of Rome, in the same place where Julius Caesar was killed.

Events: 1776 - South Carolina becomes the first American colony to declare its independence from Great Britain and set up its own government. 1820 - Maine becomes the 23rd U.S. state. 1877 – The first Test cricket match begins between England and Australia. 1985 - The first Internet domain name is registered (symbolics.com). 1989 - The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is established.

Births: 1933 - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice, 1935 - Judd Hirsch, American actor, Jimmy Swaggart, American televangelist, 1941 - Mike Love, American musician (The Beach Boys), 1944 - Sly Stone, American musician, 1959 - Fabio Lanzoni, Italian model, 1972 - Mark Hoppus, American musician (+44 and blink-182), Me, Mike Tomlin, American football coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers, 1975 - Eva Longoria, American actress, 1979 - Kevin Youkilis, American baseball player for the Boston Red Sox. 1985 - Kellan Lutz, Actor (Twilight series)

10 March 2010

When you want to go home again, sign a one day deal.

Before we begin:


I am a baseball fan.  Not just any baseball fan -

A Boston Red Sox Fan.  Yep, a proud Cahd carrying membah of the Red Sox Nation.  From birth to the day I die.

When your parents are born and raised in Maine (Portland, my second home I call it) I think it's an unwritten law that you're a Sox fan. Stick with 'em through thick and thin.  Through the sucks time and the happy times - none more happy as when they won the World Series in 2004 and again in 2007, you're there, cheering them on.

Like any baseball fan, I cry when some of the key players are let go or leave of their own accord - Damon, but we won't talk about him (traitor).

I cried when Boggs left.  I cried when Clemons left and now look what's happened to him.

But nothing shocked me more as to when Nomar Garciaparra left the Sox and went to the Cubs in 2004 in a trade.  At the time, Nomar was my favorite Red Sox player. I think it was because of his at bat rituals - the glove adjustments and the bat tap on the shoe. I loved it although my dad found it somewhat annoying and just wanted him to hit the ball. 

Bostonians treat the Sox players like members of their family, and the generosity is reciprocated by the players, who express sadness when they're leaving their "home" to move to another.

But here's the thing:

Once a Red Sox, ALWAYS a Red Sox.  During the 2004 season, Nomar was with the Sox for all of 4 months prior to being traded to the Cubs, but to the Red Sox, it didn't matter if he wasn't there to win the World Series.  He helped get them there.  Nomar's contribution - however small - got them to the playoffs and to the world series.  For that small contribution, Nomar got a championship ring.

Today, Nomar Garciparra signed a one day deal with the Boston Red Sox so that he could retire as a Red Sox - As it should be.

Always a Boston Red Sox.

07 March 2010


Yeah I know late in coming - Damn! They're On! 

So Quickly, here are my picks.  I only do the big ones so here they are: We'll compare later.

Best Actor - Who should - Jeff Bridges - Who will - Jeff Bridges
Best Actress - Who should - Gabourey Sidibe - Who will - Toss up between Sandra Bullock & Meryl Streep

Best Supporting Actor - Who should - Christoph Waltz - Who will - Christoph Waltz
Best Supporting Actress - Who should - Mo'Nique - Who will - Mo'Nique

Best Director - Who should - Kathryn Bigelow OR Quentin Tarantino - Who will - James Cameron

Best Picture - Who should - The Hurt Locker - Who will - Avatar

27 February 2010

My (short) birthday wish list

Yes I have a short list of birthday wishes. I don't normally do this but since twitter has been kind of an escape for me, I figured I might as well boost my creativity and my microscopic ego and come up with a wish list of what I would like for my birthday.

See, March 15th has never been a good day. Yeah it's the day that Ceasar was murdered by Brutus and all and thanks to that, I've always been told it's a bad day. Last year solidified it when I backed my car into a ditch in front a 1/2 dozen or so of my friends including my brother in law and after losing my dad last year, I want to make it fun without having to call AAA to haul my car's sorry ass out of a ditch.

Sooooo...here's my short list - and I do hope Murray Gold pays particular attention because one of these is for him.

1. a twitvid or YT vid filled with singing and pics - and ladies, you know what I mean by pics. A little fangirl love, please. ;)

2. the lyrics to The Songs of Captivity and Freedom and the Song of Freedom - This one I direct to @murraygold, you musical genius you. I hear the words but can't quite figure them out. As a singer, this frustrates me. I want to sing it right and KNOW what I'm singing. I know you're busy with putting music to Doctor Who and thus spending a lot of time in the studio but if you could fit it in...

3. a card signed by David Tennant. I was never able to get one from HeadwayEssex and want to smack myself for it. I'll have to dream about this one.

4. Chocolate! I'm a girl after all and most girls love chocolate.

See..not such a long list at all. One's a kind of easy, one's creatively challenging, one's stretching it, and the last my husband will get me...maybe...or he'll just get me a nice dinner..

30 January 2010

My Road

I see my road less traveled
Unmarked by my footprints
The desire to tread upon it is intoxicating.
Oh, for the courage to try

I see my road less traveled
ready for me to begin
a new adventure awaits me
and a world of creativity in sight

06 January 2010

A WTH Moment

BBC Entertainment is reporting that "A close examination of Mona Lisa's eyes suggests she could have had too much cholesteol in her diet"

WTH?!? It's a painting...one of the most popular paintings in the world and they're saying she had high cholesterol?

Overanalyze much?